Women's Group
GKIA Women are actively involved in every GKIA services and activities. With diverse cultural background, GKIA women bind sense of sisterhood and solidarity that poured in the community service.
Routine activities carried out by GKIA women among others; Ladies Bible study done on Saturday every second week each month, fellowship after Sunday service, women are also involved in the church events and ecclesiastical events, even also do fundraising to support the GKIA women's programs.
Women are not only engaged in the activities in the Church, but also reaching out to women in need. This will retain family ties among women GKIA. Service can be a form of attention such as, make a visit to the woman's colleague.
In addition, fellow women individually serve in worship week as pianist, leader of praise (song leader), Sunday school teacher and a few became a member of the Church Council.
If any women want to engage actively in the Ministry in the Church, particularly the women's Ministry, please get in touch with one of the following GKIA Women Committee 2024-2027:
Chairperson: Ibu Hanna Silitonga
Secretary: Ibu Emmy Tarigan
Treasurer: Ibu Yovita Wulandari
Diakonia: Ibu Ana Bria